Tuesday, 11 October 2016

La Haine Words

Bleak- The world of La Haine is very simplistic, uninteresting and boring. This is demontrated through the fact that there are many scenes where the trio seem to be just siting around and waiting, with nothing to do. The bleakness of their surroundings could also be demonstrated through the fact that the film is shot in black and white- there is no colour.

Pessimistic-  Most of the characters dont have an optimistic outlook and consequently view every situation as a negative, this creates a hopeless society surrounding them, and begins the cycle of a depressing environment. This is demonstrated through the fact that Vinz expects his friend to die, and is almost waiting for and anticipating the worst, and is banking on it, (he says if he dies, he'll 'even the score'). 

Real- La Haine is easily viewed as real, as it shows the sides of Paris that Hollywood don't want you to see. It's not pristine, it's genuine and the world that the trio live in contrast greatly with the eiffel tower sort of world that we see in the Paris city scenes. Also, the main part of Paris itself is revealed to have crime, similar to the projects, which seems to be an accurate portrayal.

Tense- The film on a whole is tense, as the question of whether Vinz will actually follow through with his pln to kill a policeman, however, the final scene itself is the most tense, as the gun is bein held to Vinz's head then eventually Hubert and the policeman facing off with their deadly weapons.

Monday, 3 October 2016

La Haine

Images for La Haine:

Words for La Haine:


Scenes for Poverty:
The BBQ scene- they have to share and steal the food.
When they attempt to hotwire the car- they have the instinct to steal the car, but aren't privileged enough to know how to drive it.

Scenes for Power:
The shooting outside the club- the youths have the weapon so consequently have the power in that situation.
The final scene/Vinz's death- the policemen have the weapons and consequently have the power, however when Hubert turns and comes back, the power is matched.

Scenes for Conflict:
When Vinz first shows his friends the gun- this creates a divide within their group .
The BBQ scene- the police come and try to get rid of them and they face off.