Monday 3 October 2016

La Haine

Images for La Haine:

Words for La Haine:


Scenes for Poverty:
The BBQ scene- they have to share and steal the food.
When they attempt to hotwire the car- they have the instinct to steal the car, but aren't privileged enough to know how to drive it.

Scenes for Power:
The shooting outside the club- the youths have the weapon so consequently have the power in that situation.
The final scene/Vinz's death- the policemen have the weapons and consequently have the power, however when Hubert turns and comes back, the power is matched.

Scenes for Conflict:
When Vinz first shows his friends the gun- this creates a divide within their group .
The BBQ scene- the police come and try to get rid of them and they face off.

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